Related to Yglesias and the 'vibe shift' -- this account of the inaugural festivities shows how far they are from "Christian Coalition" conservatism. Lot of gay and libertine 'vibes' (at least at the parties the gay reporter went to).



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Part of the current vibe shift is due to the fact that major left wing causes that they loudly championed for years (mass immigration, DEI, trans) are not popular with the public and grow even less so the more first hand experience people have with it. Secondarily, they basically don’t have anything else. The right has an incredible opportunity to fill that vacuum and give people permission to openly reject the left’s craziest ideas.

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If the vibe shift is real, we might need to do some reflection on why the irreligious right won a culture war that the religious right lost.

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They didn't, though. The religious right was fighting a different culture war than the one the irreligious right is fighting.

The culture war the religious right was fighting was against a conception of sex and sexuality that enshrined the autonomy of the individual and in-the-moment pleasure over personal responsibility and self-control. The culture war the irreligious right is waging is against a conception of identity that denies individuality and reduces people to their identity checkboxes. In an individualistic culture like the United States, it's not hard to figure out why the former would have a harder time of things than the latter.

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Seriously and amen... It kind of reminds me when some Trads in Catholic circles would trash Jordan Peterson on not meeting their specifics and I'd think, "oh wow, well why is he doing your job and better at it for that matter?"

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Reading your American Mind piece on Christian nationalism again, it's obvious that you are 100% in favor of what the Left has been calling Christian nationalism. The very idea of taking guidance from America's past and seeking to be authentically American would trigger a Wokester into seizures.

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Yes, I looked at that piece again and what I wrote on it, which I still agree with:

"By the left's most expansive definition/slur, I think a Christian Nationalist is anyone right-of-center who argues for Christian values playing some role in the governance of the nation. By this definition, I would imagine Aaron is a Christian Nationalist, as am I, as, at one time, was David French."

So of course the false bishop in question isn't a Christian Nationalist: she's not right-of-center.

More broadly, we can see that there's really no daylight between the religious left and the secular left. No political disputes or conflicting interests to speak of. This is unlike the right, where we actually do have some conflicting interests and will have to pick our battles with our secular allies of convenience. This is important to keep in mind as Trump's post-Christian right is ascendant.

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Which is why we can ask those who say "yass girl" at the bishop: would she have given Kamala any kind of 'tough' moral guidance?

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