Welcome back to the Masculinist, the monthly email newsletter about the intersection of Christianity and masculinity. Going Their Own Way One of the more colorful internet subcultures is the MGTOW movement. MGTOW (pronounced mig-tao) stands for “Men Going Their Own Way.” MGTOWs claim that marriage is a racket, and say men should not only stay single but also avoid dealing with women at all to the extent that they can. MGTOWs are very different from “incels” (involuntarily celibate) in that the MGTOW movement argues for permanent voluntary celibacy (though not necessarily abstaining from porn).
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Newsletter #28: The Anti-Marriage Message of…
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Welcome back to the Masculinist, the monthly email newsletter about the intersection of Christianity and masculinity. Going Their Own Way One of the more colorful internet subcultures is the MGTOW movement. MGTOW (pronounced mig-tao) stands for “Men Going Their Own Way.” MGTOWs claim that marriage is a racket, and say men should not only stay single but also avoid dealing with women at all to the extent that they can. MGTOWs are very different from “incels” (involuntarily celibate) in that the MGTOW movement argues for permanent voluntary celibacy (though not necessarily abstaining from porn).