Read the Governing article - you give an awful lot of credit to corporate execs. I’d love to see any evidence that naming rights move the needle on perceptions of a company.
"a group of Midianites actually being the ones who pulled Joseph out of the pit and selling him to the Ishmaelites". I think the "they" in Genesis 37:28 does refer back to Joseph's brothers. Midianites and Ishmaelites are terms used to refer to the same group of people elsewhere, see Judges 8:22-8:26 (even though they could refer to different groups) and I think it's referring to the same group here and that the majority interpretation of Joseph's brothers selling him is correct. Compare Genesis 37:36 to Genesis 39:1.
That bit on Gothard was truly abominable. You can tell how liberal the author is when he says you can't take the sections of the Bible we call wisdom literally.
Gothard while accused of things was completely vindicated. If you research into it you'll see how his accusers were just trying to cash in.
Gothard was one of the main men responsible for the rise in homeschooling. Ultimately, what he taught was the simple principle that the Bible is sufficient for all things. It's ok to disagree with him on some interpretation , but what that author, like the secular documentary from Amazon did, was slander him. I always see those who slander him (and other good men) as non-christian. Bill is still out there every day dedicating all his effort to preaching the word. He was responsible for many, many people coming to Christ, and I do believe he will be rewarded by God for his dedication, no matter what mistakes he may have made.
It's also sad the author tries to justify divorce and birth control.
Read the Governing article - you give an awful lot of credit to corporate execs. I’d love to see any evidence that naming rights move the needle on perceptions of a company.
"a group of Midianites actually being the ones who pulled Joseph out of the pit and selling him to the Ishmaelites". I think the "they" in Genesis 37:28 does refer back to Joseph's brothers. Midianites and Ishmaelites are terms used to refer to the same group of people elsewhere, see Judges 8:22-8:26 (even though they could refer to different groups) and I think it's referring to the same group here and that the majority interpretation of Joseph's brothers selling him is correct. Compare Genesis 37:36 to Genesis 39:1.
That bit on Gothard was truly abominable. You can tell how liberal the author is when he says you can't take the sections of the Bible we call wisdom literally.
Gothard while accused of things was completely vindicated. If you research into it you'll see how his accusers were just trying to cash in.
Gothard was one of the main men responsible for the rise in homeschooling. Ultimately, what he taught was the simple principle that the Bible is sufficient for all things. It's ok to disagree with him on some interpretation , but what that author, like the secular documentary from Amazon did, was slander him. I always see those who slander him (and other good men) as non-christian. Bill is still out there every day dedicating all his effort to preaching the word. He was responsible for many, many people coming to Christ, and I do believe he will be rewarded by God for his dedication, no matter what mistakes he may have made.
It's also sad the author tries to justify divorce and birth control.
Provocative and helpful thoughts - thanks!
Reading Robinson on Genesis would be interesting as you say - and maybe
she's doing a "cultured despisers" thing - and she may some interesting insights -
though, yes, as an Evan. I would lean more toward more informed and reliable commentators if I were wanting more life-applicable insights...
Not sure if already posted, but article by Nathan Beacom on men and monasticism