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On the evangelism point:

I thought a lot of us had been saying for a while that we need to focus evangelism on the secular right, which generally has neutral-to-mildly-positive feelings towards us, as opposed to the left, which will never stop hating us if we can't accept abortion, gay marriage, trans, etc. etc. But the left is higher status, it owns the centers of power and influence (per Aaron's exact headline here), and hence Big Eva can't help but be perpetually drawn to that mission field and continually disappointed by the fruits.

But what do you know, Huff shows up on Rogan, a man of the secular right, meets him where he's at, and the response is immediately far more positive than anything that could be imagined with a voice on the secular left.

Though we can't give up entirely on the left; in this scenario they're Nineveh and we're Jonah. But we can certainly deprioritize them in our approach to outreach.

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