Another point on Trump that is missed a lot is that he kept his promises and then more. I, like a lot of conservatives, didn't vote for him in 2016 because we didn't see proof he would keep his word. When he did, he then won our votes for the future. This year I don't remember him promising to pardon all the pro-lifers, but he went and did it anyway and re-instated the Mexico City policy with even more constraints, even though he effectively didn't run pro-life, so he went beyond what he said he would.

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This is a valid point.

I'll point out that the Mexico City policy seems to align with another priority of Trump II, which is defunding and disempowering NGOs and governmental cliques that seek to actively hinder his agenda. In this case, pro-abortion NGOs happen to be both his enemies and our enemies; a lot of people on the secular right want access to abortion, but approximately zero of them are actively working for pro-abortion NGOs. Naturally, those organizations are going to also favor any number of other leftist causes, they're all going to have pronouns on their LinkedIn profiles and e-mail signatures, and they are going to HATE HATE HATE Trump and want to subvert his agenda and have links to people in government who sympathize.

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He just saw his viewpoint no longer had an audience.

The working class began to realize that to progressives workers were just a class to be exploited, not real people.

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So: the Dems got complacent and let their crazy out, but they mistook how far ahead they were of their constituency.

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