I have to admit I just don’t understand anti-natalism, whether passive or active. I always imagined myself being a parent, wish I had more kids than I do, and sat through our primary school’s annual musical recently even though none of my children were in the thing just because it’s amazing to watch this young community grow.

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Really good reporting from the New Yorker on SK fertility. The topic seems to be done to death, but this piece went deeper. It also really highlighted how much anti-natalism is an absolute bummer.

We can make all the logical arguments in the world for pro-natalism, but at the end of the day, it's wonderful to see babies being born, and I want my children to participate in a society where that happens and is normalized rather than an anti-natal hedonist death zone dystopia. Most of the left doesn't seem to share this sentiment.

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It’s basically the pacifist variant of wanting humanity to end. That’s why it strikes me as basically demonic, even if not intentionally so.

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The Griesing iarticle is just so bad, man. I mean titanically. Men and boys are failing to launch so the plan is to glamorize being a guidance counselor so boys and men don’t like Trump. I’m not making that up. I think the guys heart is in the right place, but he’s what happens when you read the Atlantic over too long a period of time.

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“Would You Have Rather Married Young?”

For all Christians who practice their faith, the answer should basically be YES. Marrying young is a good guard against fornication, contraception, cohabitation, IVF and abortion.

Quite a shame that very few Christian communities in the USA provide social and practical help to ensure those between 16-25 can marry and commence adulthood in durable marriages that lead to straightforward family formation.

Fairly hard to have clear marriage norms in a culture/country steeped in ideas of negative liberty. May we turn the corner very soon!

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